History of Perfumes

Ah, the scent! For someone like me who is so enthralled and enthralled by the wonderful world of fragrances, a little lesson on its history seems quite obvious. So, here is an insight I have discovered.

Perfume bottle

Perfume has played an integral role keeping in mind the desire to make people look amazing, look great and smell great. But most of us have been unaware of its history or how long it has been. We just focus on applying the scent that we love, to make ourselves feel attractive. But from yesterday it seems that its original purpose was not at all.

Evolution of perfumes

For thousands of years of endless time, traces of the beginning of perfume could be felt in Egypt. The first perfumes were actually incense, which explains the true origin of the word 'perfume'. It is derived from the Latin words 'per' and 'fumus', which literally means 'to' and 'smoke'. So it was through the burning of resins and wood that these fragrances were obtained and they were used for religious ceremonies.

Perfumes were previously collectively urbanized with cosmetics, but they were not intended to attract the opposite sex; However, they were created to attract the mercy of the gods. Spirituality was the idea that baffled the Egyptians and that is why they took the art of perfume making so seriously - they believed that the gods would smile at them if they smelled good, and if they could get these perfumes Surround themselves with In fact, he carried that idea with him after he died. Many barrels of perfume were buried in tombs. They were also used for mummification. The more perfumes they use, and the stronger the perfume, the more likely they are to go to heaven.

As an example of this, when Tutankhamen's mausoleum was discovered, there were waving bodies, oil and fragrance utensils. When the tomb was opened, there was still a hint of strong scent detection. And that was 3,300 years ago! Now she is strong perfume!

For many years, the use of perfume was limited to priests performing religious rituals, and also to the very rich. Those rich and influential people have a lot of perfume, who started indulging in it for more personal reasons. With the idea of ​​staying spiritually clean, they thought that they could please the gods even more if they not only filled the air with perfume, but also covered themselves with it.

It made the practice of soaking aromatic wood and resins in water and oil and rubbing the liquid over their bodies. As this practice persisted, priests got their hold on precious fragrances, giving others the right to use them. In an effort to create a completely clean society, people were ordered to perfume themselves at least once a week.

Logically, the next step was the use of perfume in bathing. The concept of luxurious bath houses of the Greeks and Romans came from the Egyptians. The aromatic oils used in their baths helped protect their skin from drying out in hot climates and led to the introduction of creams and ointments for moisturizers.

The Egyptians took pleasure in their perfumes with grand reverence, believing that only the best containers would hold them, and so began manufacturing beautiful containers made of foreign materials. And then when glass was first manufactured in Egypt, it was considered more precious than jewelry; Hence the best and most popular material for their containers.

Then came the entrance of the liquid perfume. When the Greeks and Romans moved to Egypt, they loved the perfume oils that the Egyptians used. He quickly learned the art of making them and started adding his own touches. To make liquid perfumes, they used a mixture of aromatic powders and heavy oils.

As time passed and international trade routes became free, the skill of making perfumes became celebrated all over the world. This led to its revival around the 12th century. As more countries were drawn into art, aromatic varieties were discovered to create new scents. The Arabs played an important role in the development of the perfume industry. An Arabic physician urbanizes a distillation process that can extract oil from the flowers. The first flower on which he tried his process was the rose. Until then, liquid perfume was made from a mixture of oil and crushed herbs or petals, which created a fairly strong perfume.

In the 17th century, the trend of perfume began in France. Being romantic, the perfume was a natural to add a sensual touch. But the major development in perfume came in the 18th century, with the design of the Owl de Cologne, which was a mixture of rosemary, niroli, bergamot and lemon. The use of ow de Cologne does not hinder fragrances - the French used their drinks, in their food, as medicines, etc. Another part of the perfume heritage that the French took was the ancient Egyptian art of perfume making. Include ERS. The French made all kinds of perfume bottles.

In the last forty years, the perfume industry has expanded. To give you an idea of ​​how fast the 90s were being bombarded, a new perfume was launched every week. Now, every day is one, each company is trying to beat its competition with expensive, innovative, and glamorous launches.

One of the original in the big launch was in 1970 when YSL introduced the Rive Gauche. But it was the United States that triggered a really big launch explosion. Women were becoming more independent and buying scents to wear all day and they started making fragrance wardrobes with different types of perfumes for every occasion. Then the fragrance of men started appearing. Christian Dior introduced Eau Sauvage, a scent that made women go wild! Since then the perfume industry is an extension of what we now experience.

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